Citizen’s Page

We live in a technological era, that is essentially driven by data. Nearly all day-to-day activities, - services received in a real or digital space, communication with organizations - require sharing data. Our names, personal number, information about a family, incomes, health and etc. are processed and stored by organizations. Exchange of data improves communication and makes day-to-day life easier. However, this process contains risks too and therefore should be conducted legitimately. Information and tools collected on this page are designed for citizens to receive comprehensive information about data protection, to learn everything about their rights and be able to successfully defend them.


How can we protect our data on the internet? What obligations state bodies have when processing a citizen’s data? Does a doctor have a right to disclose a patient’s data? When is video surveillance illegal and what obligations companies have when they conduct direct marketing? What is GDPR? – answers to these and other questions may be found in Inspector’s recommendations and guidelines. In order to communicate the information contained in the legislation in a plain language, to match it to specific sectors and provide practical advice, the Inspector’s Office prepares handbooks on a regular basis.

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Personal Data Alphabet

What is personal data? Name, surname and personal number are perhaps the first things that come to one’s mind in response to this question. However, these are only three examples, while we want our citizens to be informed about their data from A to Z. Personal Data Alphabet is an online platform that lists 33 pieces of personal data, describes means of their protection, possible risks and attempts to explain the essence of personal data to the audience in a plain language.

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Case Management

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Registry of filing system’s catalogue

Any organization that in the process of its activities creates or uses databases comprised of personal data, carries an obligation to maintain a catalouge of filing systems. A catalogue contains structured information about the data collected by the organization, the grounds and timelimits of processing, data security measures and so on. All catalogues are contained within a unified register of the Inspector’s Office where any organization can sign up while any citizen can look up information about the catalogues.

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