State of Personal Data Protection in Georgia — Presentation of the 2023 Interim Activity Report and Implementation Issues of the New Law of Georgian “On Personal Data Protection”

2023-10-09 16:35:52
The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia held a meeting with representatives from the highest legislative body, government members, public and private organizations, as well as diplomatic, academic, and non-governmental sector representatives.

The event focused on the state of personal data protection in Georgia, the interim activity report of the current year, and the implementation of the new Law "On Personal Data Protection."

The meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili — President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia. The President of the Service assessed the adoption of the new law as an important step forward in the development of personal data protection legislation.  

"As a consequence of the implementation of the new law, the regulatory legal framework for personal data protection will align with EU legislation, thereby ensuring the effective safeguarding of fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the inviolability of privacy, in the context of personal data processing," stated Prof. Dr.Dr. Lela Janashvili.

The President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia comprehensively presented to the audience the statistical data of the preceding nine months, as well as the implemented projects, established priorities, and forthcoming plans.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili also discussed about obtaining the observer status of the "European Data Protection Board" ("EDPB") by the Service.

"The obtainment of EDPB’s observer status represents a significant milestone in the annals of Georgian personal data protection law and the presence of its supervisory body. It further solidifies the alignment of the Service's operations with European standards and underscores its esteemed membership within the European community of data protection professionals," stated Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.

At the event, the Chairman of the Human Rights Protection and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia — Mikheil Sarjveladze, delivered remarks to the audience. Furthermore, he assessed the results attained by the Service in the recent period positively.

A presentation of a new video clip on personal data protection was also featured at the event.

In the second segment of the meeting, Davit Karashvili — the Head of the Legal Department of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, presented to the audience the updates stipulated by the Law "On Personal Data Protection".

It should be noted that the aforementioned law significantly increases the rights of the data subject and expands the guarantees of their protection.  

Important changes concern the rules of data processing for direct marketing purposes. In addition, the introduction of legislative norms related to audio monitoring is envisaged by the Law. The law contains special regulations regarding the processing of personal data of minors. Also, the issue of data processing of a deceased person is regulated in a new way.

Furthermore, significant legislative novelties include the establishment of the position of a Personal Data Protection Officer, the requirement to conduct data processing impact assessments, and the obligation for the data controller to report incidents to the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, among others.

Most of the obligations and novelties stipulated by the Law will enter into force on March 1st, 2024.

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia will continue to hold meetings with the target audience regarding the important novelties provided by the new Law. Announcements regarding the planned activities will be posted on the official website and social networks of the Service.

