January 28 is International Personal Data Protection Day

2023-01-30 17:59:40

In celebration of this day, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia held an open event. Activities were adapted to different age categories.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, presented the 1st Volume of the scientific publication "Journal of Personal Data Protection Law" to the audience. It is worth noting that the Journal is the first bilingual, internationally peer-reviewed, periodic publication. The Editorial Board is composed of experts and scientists in the field from Georgia, Germany, Spain, Estonia, Belgium, Hungary, and Croatia.


At the same event, the President of the Service ─ Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, announced another news to the audience. A legal clinic is being established in the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, which will allow the Master's students of the Faculty of Law of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University to undertake legal practice at the agency.  


Dr. Anri Okhanashvili, the Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Valerian Gobronidze, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tamar Zarandia, the Dean of the Faculty of Law of TSU, Prof. Dr. Gia Khubua, the Rector of the Steinbeis University Berlin, Prof. Dr. Paata Turava and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tamar Gvaramadze, Acting Public Defender, addressed the audience.

Five video clips were presented at the event dedicated to the International Day of Data Protection. A teacher ─ Mr. Gia Murghulia; a doctor ─ Ms. Ketevan Asatiani, a photographer ─ Mr. Goga Chanadiri; Chairwoman of the Farmers' Association – Ms. Nino Zambakhidze and a cyber-security specialist ─ Mr. Giorgi Gurgenidze took part in the videos, the main goal of which is to raise public awareness. Distinguished specialists in the relevant fields individually, based on their own experience, with specific examples and advice, talked about the importance of personal data protection and emphasized the need to protect confidentiality.


Around 50 guests, including members of the Parliament, judges, and representatives of the public, academic and non-governmental sectors, attended the event. 



As for the other events dedicated to the International Day of Personal Data Protection, almost throughout the whole day, the activities took place at the Hotel "Fabrica".


Psychologist Mr. Zurab Mkheidze held a public lecture on the psychology of habitual behavior for interested parties, which focused on the importance of the protection of personal data. It is worth noting that "Make it a habit" is a campaign of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, which the agency started last year and will continue actively this year.


Special activities were held for school students. The representatives of the Service ─ Ms. Gvantsa Gabaidze and Ms. Nino Tsagareishvili, gave the children an “open lesson” on the importance of personal data protection. In the scope of the interactive and fun "lesson”, which was held at the personal data alphabet stand, the schoolchildren received important information.


Low-grade schoolchildren were given information about personal data in a specially selected form. The section ─ "Playing" offered a cognitive master class to the children who came to the event.   


During the whole day, there was a consulting space for the guests who came to the event. 


The mentioned videos and the public lecture of a psychologist ─ Mr. Zurab Mkheidze, will be gradually published via the official website and social network of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia.