The first deputy head of the Personal Data Protection Service - Otar Chakhunashvili and the head of the Department of International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development - Ana Tokhadze attended the first regional meeting held within the framework of the "Regional Projects on Re-engineering of Public Services and E-Governance and Digitalization in the EaP" project

2022-11-02 13:08:23

The first regional kick-off meeting was held in Chisinau, Moldova within the framework of the project: “Regional Projects on Re-engineering of Public Services and E-Governance and Digitalization in the EaP”. The event was attended by more than 30 participants from the beneficiary agencies of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova.

Within the meeting, the Personal Data Protection Service was presented by the First Deputy Head of the Service – Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, and the Head of the International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development Department – Ana Tokhadze.

The participants of the event discussed the main tendencies and challenges of public administration, as well as, measures to be implemented in the Eastern Partnership countries to support digitalization and e-governance of public services. Within the framework of the meeting, Ana Tokhadze – the Head of the International Relations, Analytics, and Strategic Development Department, gave a speech regarding the mandate of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, and the main directions and principles of its activities. The First Deputy Head of the Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, presented priorities for the strategic development of the Service. 


Project Director of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Eastern Partnership Regional Fund for Public Administration Reform – Ms. Christine Henschel, the Director of the E-Governance Agency of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Olga Tumurucci and the Director of the Public Services Agency of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Mircea Esanu welcomed the initiative of creating regional networks in the field of improving public services, E-Governance and digitalization.

The kick-off meeting was organized under the auspices of the E-Governance Agency of the Republic of Moldova and co-organized by the Public Services Agency and co-hosted by the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ) representation in Moldova.

It should be noted that the Personal Data Protection Service is a beneficiary participant of the project "Re-engineering of Public Services in the Eastern Partnership". The project envisages the implementation of the following activities with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ):

  • Policy and strategic advisory services;
  • Organizational advisory services;
  • Expert advisory services on re-engineering of administrative processes;
  • Strengthening the creative potential of managers and officers responsible for the processes;
  • Managing networks and dialogue platforms;
  • Promoting lifelong learning and change by networking stakeholders.

Since the 90s, with the funding of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) has been actively supporting the Eastern Partnership countries in the area of good governance and democracy.

Since 2016, the GIZ EaP Regional Fund has been implementing projects to support the administrative reform processes in all EU Eastern Partnership countries.