The New Rule for Examining Lawfulness of Data Processing Approved by the State Inspector Takes Effect on September 15

2021-09-14 18:12:16

The State Inspector’s Service approved new rules for examining lawfulness of processing of personal data, taking effect on 1 September 1 2021.

The document regulates procedures for reviewing citizens’ applications regarding unlawful data processing; preconditions for conducting planned and unplanned inspections with the aim of examination of lawfulness of personal data processing and other issues related to thereof; rules for obtaining and examining evidence in the process of inspection of lawfulness of data processing as well as other measures to be taken by the Service; duties and rights of the applicant, data controller, processor, interested parties, third parties, as well as rights and duties of the employees of the Service.

In parallel with the development of a new rule for examination of lawfulness of personal data processing, the application form for the citizen to be submitted to the Service regarding unlawful processing of his/her personal data was updated. 

The new rule will facilitate citizens’ communication with the Service, make clearer and more transparent the process of data processing by the Service, significantly improve ongoing processes in the Service and contribute to increasing effectiveness of the activities of Service.

In order to effectively implement the new rule for examination of lawfulness of personal data processing in the practice, the Service’s employees underwent two-day training session with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia.

The new rule for examination of lawfulness of personal data processing can be found on the following link -პერსონალურ-მონაცემთა-დამუშავების-კანონიერების-შესწავლის-წესი.pdf

The application form for the citizen to be submitted to the Service regarding unlawful processing of his/her personal data can be found on the following link -