The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia Met with the Ambassador of the United States

2021-04-06 13:14:57


The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia held a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Georgia, Kelly Degnan.

The goal of the meeting was to discuss the activities of the State Inspector’s Service, challenges the Service faces and prospects of cooperation.

First Deputy Inspector, Giorgi Gamezardashvili, Director of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), Rebecca Hunt, Resident Legal Advisor, Michael Grant and USAID/Georgia’s Democracy, Governance and Social Development Office Director, Adam Schmidt also attended the meeting.

The State Inspector briefed US Ambassador on the activities of State Inspector’s Service. Special attention was paid to the challenges – draft law on personal data protection submitted to the Parliament of Georgia, data security in public and private sector, collection of evidence in the process of investigation (including obtaining video recordings). Also difficulties in initiating criminal prosecution in case of an alleged crime committed by representatives of law enforcement bodies.

Kelly Degnan underlined the importance of the role of the State Inspector’s Service as an independent authority for democracy and in human rights protection field, as well as the importance of the Service in controlling police conduct and in data protection direction.

US Ambassador Kelly Degnan pledged support in strengthening the State Inspector’s Service and expressed full readiness to cooperate in addressing the challenges.