Training Was Held for Those Interested in Personal Data Protection Issues

2016-06-03 13:25:19

The 9th training session for those interested in personal data protection issues, including for the representatives from private and public organisations was held at the office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector on June 3, 2016.

The training was led by the Trainings Manager of the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office Natalia Mikeladze. The issues like the importance of the personal data protection, the principles and grounds of data processing, the role and mandate of the Inspector, human rights, illegal release of the data, direct marketing and the modern challenges of the personal data protection issues were discussed at the training.

The participants of the training got interested about the issues like data processing, illegal release of information, video surveillance, the mechanisms of refusing advertising received by the sms and others. The practical cases were also chat at the meeting.

The training was held in the framework of the project entitled Training for Those Interested in Personal Data Protection Issues. Since that time 148 people participated in nine training sessions.

The training is regularly held once a month. The next training will be held on July 1. For registration, please follow the link