The Office Of The Personal Data Protection Inspector Was Accredited To The International Conference Of Data Protection And Privacy Commissioners

2015-11-26 13:42:12

The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector was accredited as a full member to the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners at the 37th International Privacy Conference that took place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on October 25-29, 2015.

The International Privacy Conference (ICDPPC) constitutes an international assembly of Data Protection Authorities. It is represented by 101 Supervisory Bodies from 63 states and the European Union. Furthermore, 16 different agencies from 7 states and 5 international organizations participate in the conference with the observer status.

The resolution on accrediting Data Protection Authority of Georgia was adopted at the closed session of the 37th International Privacy Conference. The official document on accreditation is available on the following link:

“International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners constitutes one of the leading international organizations. Accreditation of the Georgian Data Protection Authority to the Conference carries great importance to us. This is one more international platform which gives us the possibility to present our work and to exchange experiences” – stated representatives of the Office of Personal Data Protection Inspector.