Personal Data Protection Inspection participated in the International Conference held in Bishkek

2015-03-31 12:03:00

International Conference “Population Register, Personal Data Protection and the Right to Privacy – Challenges and Opportunities” was held on March 25-27, 2015 in Bishkek. Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani attended the Conference. She was invited by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for the purpose of sharing practical experience on personal data protection in Georgia to the Kyrgystan. At the Conference she talked about the Georgian experience as well as International Standards.

In her speech, the Inspector gave an overview of the international obligations of Georgia regarding personal data protection, as well as the accountability and transparency of public authorities in the context of personal data protection. She overviewed the mandate of the Inspector - functions and activities. Inspector paid great attention to the process of establishing an independent supervisory authority, which is currently being discussed in Bishkek.

“We are considered as pioneers of this field in the region and it is important to share our experience in the post-soviet countries. The conference was attended by high ranking officials as well as representatives of civil society. We introduced the achivements of the Office. It is also a platform to represent our developments and share the best practices to the international experts” – stated, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani.

The conferenece was also attended by Austrian and Lithuanian Experts.

See official source about the conference