The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector organized a special event dedicated to the Data Protection Day

2014-01-28 13:26:24

The Data Protection Day - launched by the Council of Europe and celebrated each year on January 28 - was celebrated in Georgia with a large-scale event organized by the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia. The aim of the event was to bring to the attention of the public the importance of the right to privacy and provide forum for discussing proposals on consolidating national legal framework in terms of data protection regulations and harmonizing legislation with European standards.

The keynote speeches were delivered by a the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Mr. Davit Usupashvili, Minister of Justice of Georgia, Ms.Tea Tsulukiani and the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia, Mr. Boris Iarochevitch.

The Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani introduced the basic activities and priorities of the Office and provided the presentation on the consolidation and harmonization of national legislative framework on personal data protection and the necessity of legislative changes in this respect.

During the Event, The Head of the Public Service Development Agency and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on the major activities carried out in their respective organizations for bringing the practice in line with data protection regulations. In addition, the web-site (; of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector was officially presented and launched on the Data Protection Day.

The Event dedicated to the Data Protection Day was funded by the European Union within the framework of the project implemented by the ICMPD “ENIGMMA - Enhancing Georgian Migration Management.”

Representatives of the governmental institutions, corps diplomatique, international, private and non-governmental organizations participated in the Event.